Monday, November 22, 2010

IYV+10 in 2011

Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency
iV Corner, Communities No.2

Volunteers help build houses in Maralit, Paranaque
Volunteer communities around the world are gearing up for the celebration of a special major event that will highlight ten (10) years of active volunteer participation in nation building. Dubbed IYV+10, the tenth anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers will be celebrated in 2011 to bring forth the hallmarks of volunteerism across the globe.

The United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/Res/52/17of 1997 issued on 20 November 1997 declared year 2001 as International Year of Volunteers (IYV). That year's four-fold objective is to enhance the recognition, facilitation, networking and promotion of volunteer service worldwide. The Declaration dedicates 2001 to “increasing awareness of the achievement and further potential of volunteerism.”

Considering the positive impact of IYV, the UN General Assembly decided to mark its 10th anniversary and harness it as a venue to “consolidate the successes attained and build on the momentum created by the IYV”. The United Nations Volunteers has been tasked to serve as the focal point for the IYV+10 worldwide celebration.

Of note is how volunteerism contributes to the realization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) whose 15-year timeline will end in 2015. The IYV+10 theme “Volunteering for the MDGs” will highlight the role of volunteers as partners of the government and the private sector in achieving the MDGs.

Volunteers run the village library for Ugandan children
The Millennium Declaration, signed in 2000 by 189 UN member countries, embodies the pledge of the participating nations to: 1) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, 2) Achieve universal primary education, 3) Promote gender equality, 4) Reduce child mortality. 5) Improve maternal health, 6) Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases, 7) Ensure environmental sustainability, and 8) Develop a global partnership for development.

Spearheading IYV+10 celebration in the Philippines is the Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency, the government focal agency on volunteerism, assisted by an IYV+10 National Committee. The Committee, chaired by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), with members from various government agencies and the private sector, was organized to identify activities fitting for the event.

An Action Plan has been crafted that seeks to involve volunteers, local and foreign volunteer organizations, NGOs, academic institutions, corporate groups and government and international development organizations in the year-long celebration.

IYV+10 will be launched in December 2010 as part of the celebration of the National Volunteer Month and International Volunteer Day. Among the major activities include a Volunteer Fair and Youth Forum on December 3, Manila Bay Clean-Up on December 5 and volunteering activities to be organized by local and foreign volunteers in various parts of the country. 

Philippine Copyright 2010

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