Saturday, January 1, 2011

Write for iVolunteer! is looking for creative, eloquent and hardworking writers to become part of its editorial team.

Do you love to write? Do you find writing and researching about volunteers and volunteerism exciting? Maybe you're interested in exploring how effective management of volunteers can help in the development of an organization or a community. Or you may find the implementation of volunteerism best practices in an institution challenging.

Whether you're a writer who wishes to learn more about volunteerism, or a volunteer who loves to share your expertise through writing, would like you to join us!

You will have the opportunity to write for us in the following sections and sub-sections:

A. Features:
1. Walk the thought -- articles related to volunteerism or development which are more reflective, philosophical or spiritual.
2. Volunteering -- articles about volunteers or unique volunteer experiences
3. Volunteer management -- articles that focus on volunteer programs, volunteer organizations, good volunteer management practices
4. Issues and others -– articles exploring or discussing issues and challenges in volunteerism, volunteer management, institutionalization of volunteerism

B. Resources:
1. Toolkits: Volunteer -- how to's on volunteering
2. Toolkits: Manage volunteers -- how to's on different volunteer management phases
3. Policy documents -- briefs on policies related to volunteering in the country (provide links to other websites)
4. Publications-- briefs
5. Research reports – briefs

When you write for us, you can either be an occasional contributor or a regular member of the editorial team.

As an occasional contributor, you may send in your article(s) to be considered for publication in any of the above sub-sections at anytime. Your name will be listed as contributor in our website as soon as we publish your article.

For a regular member, please choose two sub-sections (for example, Volunteer Management and Research Reports) under which you wish to submit articles. You will be committed to submit at least one article every quarter for either one of the sub-sections of your choice.

However, of the four articles you will have submitted in a year, you should have at least one article for each of the two sub-sections.

Also, your name will appear under the "members of the editorial team" in our website as soon as you have an article published. And as develops its website contents, you will be the first to be considered for the positions of assistant editor and editor later on.

For the length of article, minimum number of words is 800 and maximum of 1,000.

All articles submitted must be the original work of the author who must have the exclusive ownership of the copyright. Authors shall retain the copyrights of their respective articles when these are published in the website.

An article that is previously published elsewhere should have a note advising the details of the initial publication.

If possible, please provide photos/charts/tables to go with the articles. And please cite their sources.

If your article is published, you will receive an honorarium.

Excited to be part of Then please email us at with the following information:

For Contributors:

1. Full Name:
2. Email Address:
3. Cellphone Number:
4. Organization's Name, Address, Email Address, Website (if applicable):
5. Brief Bio:
6. Please send your article for consideration in WORD 97 - 2003 document with the following as subject line: "Contributor: Sub-section, Title of the Article"

For Regular Members:

1. Full Name:
2. Email Address:
3. Cellphone Number:
4. Organization's Name, Address, Email Address, Website (if applicable):
5. Brief Bio:
6. The two (2) sub-sections of your choice:
Please wait for our reply to confirm acceptance of your application.
7. If you're accepted and are ready to send your article, please send it in WORD 97 - 2003 document with the following as subject line: "Member: Sub-section, Title of the Article"

Email us now!

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